Aug 24, 2007

The Barkers

I desperately needed some numbers from my IT guy for a case we were close to settling, and I needed them ASAP.

Despite my conveying to him the urgency of the matter (I even marked my email "urgent" with the little red exclamation point), he said he was unable to provide them today. I even tried to bribe him with lunch so he'd bump up my request, but he said no dice because he was all tied up with this other IT project that was top priority.

Naturally, I did some digging to see who submitted the request. May be I might be able to negotiate with the attorney or paralegal to get my request done first. I find out it's "Leslie", as in "Leslie and Griffin", this married attorney couple at the firm whom I'll refer to as "The Barkers".

This is not because either of their last names is Barker, but because it is said by an unseen witness that at least one of them began BARKING(I kid you not) during a midnight sexual rendezvous that took place in his office when they thought no one was here.

It's a law firm, you idiots, some one's ALWAYS here!

Anyway, I did some more digging on this IT request that was supposedly for some top secret, bombshell case. And guess what was so urgent? She is forcing our IT people to search the back up of her hubby's old email box (he left the firm recently out of the embarrassment of not making partner) to see if he was getting any emails from ex-girlfriends or having an affair. Nice waste of time and resources...

Maybe he was having an affair. Maybe THAT's who was barking around midnight. Maybe I had the wrong Barker.
DISCLAIMER: The firm, incidents, cases and characters featured in this blog are completely fictional. Any resemblance to actual cases, incidents or persons - living or dead - is purely coincidental. No similarity is intended or should be inferred.